Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sunday Social!

Sunday Social

Happy Sunday Everyone! This is my first Sunday Social, so here goes!

1) What is your best summer memory as a kid?

That would definitely be going to grandmas house every summer. My twin and I would always go down there, sometimes for literally the entire summer. We would help her take care of the horses and dogs, pick sweet juicy apricots and eat them right off the tree, and watch Jeopardy every night with a huge bowl of popcorn. Now that we are older and have jobs ( it's mostly the jobs ) we can't get down there as often as we would like. Fortunately now she can come stay with us, like she did this week!

2) What is your favorite summer drink?

Coke Slupees are my fav during the summer! I usually get sick after I drink them ( probably due to all of the natural, healthy ingredients ) but i drink them every summer regardless!

3) What is your favorite summer TV show?

Well I haven't seen any of the episodes yet, ( I'm lame and can't stay up past midnight!) but this summer's show will be Arrested Development Season 4!!!!! I am beyond excited!!!

4) What is the best outdoor summer activity?

Swimming swimming swimming! I get hives and I can't get water in my ears, but for some reason it's my favorite thing!

5) What are your summer vacation essentials? 

Tooth brush and Pajamas: The two items that are always first on my pack list, and yet I somehow ALWAYS leave them behind.

1 comment:

  1. I totally want a coke slurped now. Yum!!
